


PHYLUM ARTHROPODA (Jointed appendage).

SUB-PHYLUM UNIRAMIA (single branch appendage).

CLASS: INSECTA ( 3 pair of legs ).


• Bombyx is commonly called as silk moth.

• Body consists of head, thorax & abdomen.

•Head bears a pair of antennae & a pair of compound eyes.

•Thorax bears three pairs of legs and two pairs of rings which are covered with scales.

• Hindwings are smaller than forewings.

• Abdomen consists of 10 segments.

•Mouth parts of siphoning type.

•Moths are nocturnal,they come in the night during rainy season.

•Various stages of life cycle are egg, larva,

pupa, adult male & female

•Larva feeds mulberry leaves by its mandibles & mouth parts & undergoes moulting as it grows.

Habit & Habitat: They are reared for silk. Adults have short life span & do not feed.

Distribution: cosmopolitan.


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