


Phylum: Annelida

Class: Oligochaeta

Genus: Pheretima


•Commonly known as Earthworm.

•Body is long, narrow and cylindrical measuring upto 150 mm in lengths, brown in colour.

Anterior end is pointed, while the posterior end is more or less blunt.

•Body is divided by circular furrows into a series by 120 ring-like segments or metameres.

•Each segment (except the first & last) is provided with setae arranged in a ring enclosing the setal sac.

•Mouth is crescentic aperture situated at the anterior end ventral to the prostomium.

Clitellum, a circulal band of glandular tissue, is present in 14th to 16th segment.

•They are Hermaphrodite. But they do cross fertilization, no case of self fertilization is reported yet.

Female genital pore lies on the ventral surface in the 14th segment.

•A pair of male genital pore is situated ventrally in the 18th segment.

•Two pairs of genital papillae lie on the ventral surface in the 17th & 19th segments.

•Last segment bears the anus & is called anal segment.


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