


Phylum: Annelida
Class: Hirudinea
Genus: Hirudineria

•Commonly known as leech.
•Body is elongated, dorso-ventrally flattened, measuring 30-35cm in length with dorsal surface green & ventral surface orange yellow in colour.
•Body is divided metamerically into 38 somites or segments. Each segment is divided into rings or annuli.
•Anterior & posterior suckers are well developed.
•Anterior sucker is oval & ventral bearing triradiate shape of mouth.
•Posterior sucker is circular & forms a highly muscular disc at the posterior end as a powerful organ of adhesion & locomotion.
•Dorsal fine segments bears five pairs of eyes.
•Alimentary canal is straight tube, mid-dorsal, placed on 25th segment.
Nephridia are seventeen pairs segmentally arranged from 6-22 segments opening by nephridiopores on the ventral suface.
•They are Hermaphrodite.
 Male organs of testis sac, vasa efferentia, vas deferens, epididymes, ejaculatory duct & atrium. Female organs consist of ovisacs, ovaries, oviducts & vagina.


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